Offshore Recruiting

BigAir’s senior staff were pulled away from overseeing expansion efforts to perform extra administrative tasks. Not what you sign up for as a senior leader. 

Their challenges didn’t end here. 

BigAir struggled to source local network engineering and support staff. Not having enough technical support staff in tandem with unsuccessful hiring, caused BigAir to stall on their agreed customer SLAs. 

Time-poor and unable to deliver on customer requests, BigAir needed to turn their situation around. That’s where Sydpro entered the picture. 

To help relieve the workload on BigAir senior staff, Sydpro designed and recruited a network engineering and support team via an 80-20 offshore/onshore split.

Sydpro simultaneously sourced a senior leadership team in Sydney and a fully maintained offshore team in Sri Lanka. An employer of choice in Colombo, Sydpro leveraged their network to recruit an offshore team of network engineering professionals, all of whom possess elite verbal English skills. 


BigAir had a massive weight lifted off their shoulders when they joined forces with Sydpro.

Talent identification, screening, capability testing, and reference checks were all performed before BigAir had the final interview. Sydpro provides all office administration and HR services and is certified ISO 27001 for data security.

Talent also benefited greatly. All new hires receive brand new equipment and get to enjoy Sydpro’s offices, which are fitted with high-speed internet and modern hardware.

Since engaging Sydpro in 2014, the BigAir offshore team has grown to 18 people. BigAir is also experiencing massive cost benefits. Sydpro facilitates predictable billing via monthly invoices. The average cost to engage Sydpro resources is less than $42,000 per annum, spread over 12 monthly invoices. This accounts for a staffing solutions saving of approximately $1.1 million per annum.

BigAir sustained business growth through the help of Sydpro’s 24/7 support services. Upon seeing an impressive 96% retention rate, BigAir continues to harness the Sydpro solution.

Want to grow like BigAir?

Book your free consultation today. Be empowered by Sydpro’s cost-effective onshore and offshore solutions.



March 2025